Episode #7 Storytellers

Our storytellers in Episode 7 are:


Cindy Murray

Cindy is a producer of special events and corporate programs at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. She’s served on 20 Global Volunteers programs since 1997 in the USA and abroad as both a volunteer and a team leader. She has a dual Master’s Degree in Development and Human Resources Management, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre and Drama. She says she’s drawn to the “adrenaline rush” of ambiguity in her personal and professional life!

Mike Tormey

Mike is a second-year student double-majoring in Civil Engineering and Economics and a Resident Assistant and Scholar at Northwestern University. He and Elisa (below) were co-leaders for a 2017 alternative spring break to Cuba with Global Volunteers. As a campus tour guide, he promotes the university and the College of Engineering to prospective students.

Elisa Figueras

Elisa is a Northwestern University biology major and co-leader with Mike of an alternative spring break student group in 2017. She and Mike agree that the group’s most important accomplishment was the connections they formed with Cubans around the island. Over the week, they say, they “had countless opportunities to see and interact with the real Cuba.”

Pam Griffin

Pam is an Organization Effectiveness Consultant at SSA & Company. She enjoys travel, and has visited many cities across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Tanzania, Mexico, and the Caribbean for both business and personal adventures. She said her favorite trips were to Ipalamwa, Tanzania in 2008, 2009, and 2010; Pommern, Tanzania in 2012; and St. Lucia in 2014 with Global Volunteers. She joined the Global Volunteers Board of Directors in 2015.