#28 Students’ Passion for Service

Students’ Passion for Service – Episode #28

Tristen’s service-learning experience in the Cook Islands gave him a new understanding about how service catalyzes understanding.  “Every kid I worked with really touched my heart in a different way,” he reflected. His story about a pick-up game of basketball underscores his point.

Hadley’s service program was her first international trip. She said she was immersed in the Ecuadorian culture deeper than she had expected.  She can’t imagine a better way for students to get to know a country.  “You get to see so much…I like that alot!”

Micah lists a number of lessons – about the local culture as well as service on a volunteer team.  His enthusiasm will encourage you!

Mindy speaks from a professor’s perspective: The reciprocity of a well-managed volunteer service program ensures that students receive as much as they give. It gives them a “taste” for the impact they can have throughout their adult lives.


Episode storytellers: Tristen, Hadley, Micah, and Mindy