
#18 “Taking it In”

Be The Change – Episode #18

Carol, an anthropologist and university professor, relates how the experience of working with local people in a non-assumptive way has reframed her daily life in a positive way.

“Just give me a translator and a stethoscope,” Lisa said when she first landed on a Global Volunteers program. She quickly learned that she had to find her “inner teacher” to help make sense of the service give-and-take for those she served, and for herself.

Jeff says the most important benefit he gains personally by working through Global Volunteers is the sense of accomplishment, visibly from day to day, and also on a “heart and soul” level.

Providing direct service in Cuba captured Mike and Elisa’s imagination in surprising ways, and they quickly learned how that experience lays the foundation for future inner reflection and motivation.

Episode storytellers: Carol, Lisa, Jeff, Mike, and Elisa