Episode #19 Storytellers

Our storytellers in Episode 19 are:

Cindy Murray

Cindy is a producer of special events and corporate programs at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. She’s served on 20 Global Volunteers programs since 1997 in the USA and abroad as both a volunteer and a team leader. She has a dual Master’s Degree in Development and Human Resources Management, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre and Drama. She says she’s drawn to the “adrenaline rush” of ambiguity in her personal and professional life!

Lisa Graumlich

Lisa is a world-renowned climate change expert and distinguished professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. Her initial work was tracking the climate of an area using data from trees. She served in Tanzania in 2014 with her daughter Maya and again in 2016 to help establish the Reaching Children‘s Potential program. Read about Lisa and Maya’s journey here.

Julie Knudsen

Julie began leading Global Volunteers teams in 2007 after serving on two U.S. service programs. She’s a licensed clinical social worker currently at a large urban PA school district. She also serves as the Board President of her county’s Department of Behavioral Health/Developmental Disabilities, is a board member of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project, and is a Youth Aid Panel Volunteer.

Maggie Bjorklund

Maggie is Global Volunteers’ Ecuador & Costa Rica Country Manager. When she isn’t leading teams, she produces online strategies to engage new volunteers. Maggie earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Studies and Spanish from the University of Minnesota, for which she studied development in Costa Rica and Ecuador. A native of Minnesota, Maggie has resided in Ecuador since 2003.